International Bible Givers

Giving God's Word Free Since 1989
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From the Chairman

IBG Chairman Chuck Hayes

IBG Season of Prayer

Most of the time, we focus our IBG prayer requests on our couriers who bring Bibles to ministries and individuals, or to the ultimate receivers of Bibles. This month, I would ask for a season of prayer for this ministry and its leaders. No, there is no crisis motivating our request, but there is a reality that we are just regular people, trying through the strength of God to preform a difficult task, and that there is opposition to what we do.

You will see a list of IBG ministry leaders in this newsletter. All are volunteers and all passionate about providing God’s Word to anyone who needs it. Likewise, all of us are imperfect people made perfect in Christ alone. Each of us has challenges and so each of us need to be held up in prayer. An awful lot of us are going through various health challenges right now, too. Eyes, kidneys, broken bones, heart problems, and more. Would you use the list of leaders in this newsletter as a prayer guide and hold us up in prayer?

Likewise, I want to encourage you to pray for the ministry. This effort started by 4 couples in 1989 has been grown by God into an impactful ministry. Would you pray that we could continue to grow and provide more Bibles to more ministries and into more countries in the seasons ahead? On behalf of our 2024 leadership team, thank you for praying.

Give Hope. Give Life. Give Bibles.


International Bible Givers

2024 Board and Leadership Proposed Ballot

IBG Executive Board Officers and Leaders Roster 2024

Chairman________________________________Chuck Hayes
Vice Chairman-Bible Distribution_______________Darryl Peterson
Board Secretary_________________________Leslie Miehe
Treasurer____________________________________Ginny Hayes
Vice Chairman and Associate-Bible Distr__________Dale Culver
Donations Director______________________________Tory Winters
Prayer Committee Chair________________________Elaine Rider
Director, Prison Ministry________________________Ken Kisrow
Newsletter Editor______________________________Christine Temp
Church & Donor Development Director____________Open
Financial Secretary______________________________Danny & Cindy McCollor
Free Scripture Table Coordinator__________________Duane Swanson
International Development Director____________Danny McCollor
Other Ministry Functional Leaders
In Honor/In Memorial Secretary__________________Suzi Swartout
Bible Gala Reservation Coordinator __________________Tory Winter
Facebook & Social Media Director__________________Michelle Peterson
Membership Coordinator________________________Ginny Hayes
Website Support______________________________Jaysen Mellgren